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Sep 12, 2015

Subject: The Sofa Dogs Podcast

Observers: John Pavlich

Record Date: September 12, 2015, 01:16 PM

Note: This is a new update on the future of the podcast and plans for expansion to other platforms and formats. In addition, this is also a strong request to please make a donation, via Paypal. Thank...

May 20, 2013

Subject: The Sofa Dogs Podcast

Observers: John Pavlich

Record Date: May 19, 2013, 11:07 PM

Note: This is a special message I've recorded, asking the listeners out there to please make a donation, through the website's Paypal Donate Button. No matter how great or small, your support helps to keep me and the show going....

Sofa Dogs: New Promo!

Apr 8, 2011

Attention fellow Podcasters!

The Sofa Dogs Podcast has reached its 5th Anniversary! Grab the new promo HERE and spread the word!


-John Pavlich

My Operating System has the hiccups!

Nov 13, 2010

Hey folks,

I'm coming to you from the free interwebs of my local library. Why? Well a couple nights ago, seemingly out of nowhere, my computer started acting slow and nonresponsive, so I tried to restart. Unfortunately, my Windows XP Professional OS will no longer load, and my computer is now stuck on a constant...

Sofa Dogs: Back In Business!

May 5, 2009

Rising from the ashes like a Phoenix, or a Firefly into a glorious state of Serenity, the Sofa Dogs podcast will be returning to the internet by next week. I've purchased a refurbished computer from an ebay store, and it has shipped today. If all goes well, it should arrive within this week, just in time for the season...