Mar 28, 2008
The eleventh episode from Buffy's second season brings us to "Ted". Rachel Gatlin and I sit down to watch one of Joss Whedon's favorite episodes. In it, a new man is suddenly showing up in the Summers household. He rather quickly and easily wins the trust and affection of Joyce and the Scoobies, but Buffy herself is...
Mar 22, 2008
Rachel Gatlin and I keep the party going with What's My Line?, Part Two. In the tenth episode of Buffy's second season, Kendra shows up. She's called to Sunnydale as a replacement Slayer, after that brief moment from Prophecy Girl when Buffy died, just a little. Rachel and I talk about lipstick on Men, vampires...
Mar 22, 2008
Finally: the ninth episode from season two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, What's My Line? (Part 1). Joining me for this two-part event is Rachel Gatlin, from Geek By Night. It's Career Day at Sunnydale High, and Buffy is considering a job in law enforcement. Meanwhile, Spike and Drusilla send three assassins after the...
Mar 18, 2008
Geek By Night is here!.... except that it's not. It's over there, at In case you don't know what the smeg I'm talking about, head on over to the site and check it out. Point is, I'm a writer, producer and actor for the show, supplying my voice as the main character! So what are you waiting for? An...
Mar 11, 2008
Okay so I'm well over a week late...but honestly, who wouldn't want
to spend a little time rehashing the best episode of the season so
far (even sans mp3) ?
In the intervening time we've also had a slightly less exciting
episode, The Other Woman. Since I'm way overdue with...