Aug 18, 2013
Subject: Veronica Mars - Meet John Smith (1x03)
Observers: John Pavlich, Heidi Jenkins, Gracie
Record Date: August 17, 2013, 09:54 PM
Plot Summary: Veronica helps a classmate find his missing Father. Meanwhile, Duncan stops taking his medication, resulting in vivid dreams and hallucinations.
Note: Continuing to provide...
Aug 4, 2013
Subject: Veronica Mars - Credit Where Credit's Due (1x02)
Observers: John Pavlich, Jimi Collura
Record Date: July 31, 2013, 08:07 PM
Plot Summary: Weevil's Grandmother is wrongly arrested for credit card fraud, so he takes her place in jail while Veronica tries to find the real culprit.
Note: Continuing to provide fan...