Nov 13, 2010
Hey folks,
I'm coming to you from the free interwebs of my local library. Why? Well a couple nights ago, seemingly out of nowhere, my computer started acting slow and nonresponsive, so I tried to restart. Unfortunately, my Windows XP Professional OS will no longer load, and my computer is now stuck on a constant restart loop. I can't even attempt a System Restore. When I do, I'm presented with a DOS prompt for Windows, at which point, I'm completely stumped. A computer literate friend told me I had a virus that had corrupted my system. He suggested that I obtain a copy of either Windows Vista or Windows 7 and upgrade my operating system.
If there is anyone reading this who has a copy of either, please
let me know. My computer is a refurbished machine and did not come
with a Windows disc. As I understand it, most computers these days
don't either. You have to make one yourself, I guess. Regardless,
if you can help in some way, or you know some one who can, please
email me. Until then, I am lost at sea, so to speak. It could be as
early as December 2nd, before I am back online for good, but
depending on the cost, it could take as much as a whole month or
more. As a result, I cannot work on any current projects or
podcasts. If I am slated as a guest on an upcoming podcast, it will
have to be done through Skype Out, using my cell phone. If this
pertains to you, please email me and I'll be happy to provide you
with my number.
Thank You.
The Sofa
Dogs Podcast