Sep 18, 2017
Subject: Batman v Superman - Dawn of Justice
Observers: John Pavlich, William Bibbiani, Witney Seibold
Record Date: August 31, 2017, 12:22 AM
Plot Summary: Lex Luthor manipulates and deceives Batman into killing Superman, for reasons.
Note: Due to the cancellation of The B-Movies podcast, William and Witney (creators of Canceled Too Soon) have asked me to host this commentary track. We discuss plot v story, morals v methods and Marvel v DC. Remember to listen for the preemptive countdown before starting the film on your DVD.
Support: John's Go Fund Me campaign!
Buy: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Ultimate Edition (2016) on Blu-ray at!
Buy: Pop Art from John's Etsy Store!
Watch: The Sofa Dogs YouTube Channel!