Jan 9, 2017
Subject: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman - Strange Visitor (1x02)
Observers: John Pavlich, Heidi Jenkins
Record Date: January 08, 2017, 09:42 PM
Plot Summary: A government official obsessed with aliens tries to find and kill Superman. Meanwhile, Clark wants to learn more about where he came from.
Note: Heidi returns to discuss the second episode from the first season of ABC's Superman series. We talk about the man behind Wonder Woman and the lie detector, casting and character upsets, sexual conquest double standards and the hidden truth behind Mulder & Scully. Remember to listen for the preemptive countdown before starting the episode on your DVD.
Support: John's Go Fund Me campaign!
Buy: Lois & Clark: The Complete Series on DVD at Amazon.com!
Buy: Pop Art from John's Etsy Store!
Watch: The Sofa Dogs YouTube Channel!